GoGo's Crazy Bones really are getting everywhere - they're now even making an appearance in Junior Magazine(the October issue).
The brief news item quotes one Caroline Sanderson who has a book coming out herself this autumn, entitled Kiss Chase and Conkers. Apparently she's something of a expert on collecting things and GoGo's too.
Go, Go Crazy for those Bonesis here! I came down from a morning's writing in my office on Friday to discover a package from my publisher containing ten shiny new copies of my fully revised and updated book on the latest, craziest of crazes.
And very nice it looks too! You can get yours here.
If you haven't done so already, it's worth checking out the official US Crazy Bones website. Some of the GoGo's mentioned on the website are no longer available in the UK but there's a lot more on there for the dedicated bones fan.
As well as hints and tips and suggestions for games to play with your bones, there are also online games such as the Crazy Bones Bone Hunt (shown below). So why not pop over to CrazyBones.com to find out more for yourself.
If you've stumbled across this blog and you've heard a little about GoGo's (or at least the name) but you're still not sure what all the fuss is about, then you should follow this link to an eye-opening article on the Telegraph's website.
Things are moving on a-pace with Go, Go Crazy For Those Bones. Today I have had the copy editor's comments through and have also seen mock-ups of the cover.
I can't publish them yet here, as they're not yet final, but it's going to look great. Very funky and a suitably noughties update of the nineties original.
The text has been fully revised and updated as well, so the book should be as hip a read as the new generation of GoGo's are cool.
As soon as I have a publication date I'll post it here.
If you're a GoGo's fan and you've always wondered where to keep them, wonder no more. You can now get hold of a GoGo's drawstring bag, to keep your treasured plastic figurines safe.
The bag comes in a packet like this one.
Inside is the bag itself and a packet of new GoGo's, which of course contains three characters and some stickers.
Eleven years ago, my sixth book, entitled Go Gos Are Go Go!was published. It was all about the latest craze hitting playgrounds and homes around the country - GoGo’s® Crazy Bones®!
For those of you not yet in the know, Go Gos are small plastic figurines which are a range of collectible game pieces. They were all the rage for a couple of years back in the 90s - and now they're back again!
They've been updated and improved for a new generation, so New GoGo’s® Crazy Bones® are hipper, funkier and cooler than ever before.
Well, I'm very pleased to announce that a revised and updated version of the book is going to be published by Icon Books this autumn, this time entitled Go, Go Crazy For Those Bones.
What you'll find in the book is the secret history Go Gos as well as numerous suggestions for games you can play with them.
What you'll find on this blog are updates about the newly revised and updated Go, Go Crazy For Those Bones and other news about the Go Gos craze that's sweeping the nation, from teachers' comments on their educational value to how Go Gos conquered the world.
I am a freelance writer and editor, well known for my contributions to the Fighting Fantasy range of adventure gamebooks. I have also written for such diverse properties as Sonic the Hedgehog, Doctor Who, Star Wars and Games Workshop's worlds of Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000.
I am the creator of the alternative steampunk universe of Pax Britannia, and have written eight novels featuring the debonair dandy adventurer Ulysses Quicksilver.
As well as my fiction work, I have also written a number of non-fiction books including 'Match Wits with the Kids', 'What is Myrrh Anyway? Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Christmas' and 'YOU ARE THE HERO - A History of Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks'.